Thursday, 13 October 2011

Dear Deer

Dear Deer,

I like the way you turned out, and I will try and create some friends for you soon - but not tonight. It is quite late and I need to get some sleep. Please feel free to help yourself to whatever you like in the fridge, and if you want to finish watching 'Game of Thrones' - that is fine - but try and keep the volume down.

Have a nice night,



  1. A big thanks to Rebecca for inspiring me to try needle felting. First creation and only stabbed myself twice with the felting needle. (Tetanus shot is covered for 2011 - in case anyone is concerned).

  2. Wow, I'm very impressed! Way better than my first attempt.

  3. Courtnay, i am so impressed by your versatile skills in the crafting and life.
    Great Job on your latest en-devour i cant wait to display him on the wedding cake!

  4. Courtnay my Deer you never cease to amaze me. Nice stuffy! It might be time for a deer stuffy song to go with the gun song


  5. Maybe you could make Paul a gun stuffy and he can practice his shooting
